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Volume 4 - Perfecting Patience

Volume 4 - Perfecting Patience

$ 20.00 USD

Lisa Santagate

Welcome to Perfecting Patience, the fourth volume in the Perfecting the Heart Series. If you are like me, there are times when “patience” is in short supply. Yet patience, as a virtue, must be pursued and perfected within each one of us.

A 12 Lesson Bible Study and Workbook in One 11" x 8.5" Book, featuring Full Color Covers with Plastic Coil Binding.

And how do we actually become more…patient? I invite you to journey with me as we seek the Lord for answers in His Word. And as we work through this study, I pray we will each experience exponential growth in the fruit of patience.

Table of Contents

Lesson 1: The Fruit of Patience
Lesson 2: The Patience of God
Lesson 3: Put on Patience
Lesson 4: Patience: Forbearing and Forgiving
Lesson 5: Patience in Speech
Lesson 6: Patience in Trials
Lesson 7: Patience: Waiting on God
Lesson 8: Patience: The Power to Persevere
Lesson 9: Opponents of Patience - Part 1
Lesson 10: Opponents of Patience - Part 2
Lesson 11: A Parable of Patience
Lesson 12: Patience: The Mark of Maturity

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